If you create more value for your customers, you will get more sales. So to increase your success you must make adding value to your website a top priority. This is directed towards Information marketing, (one of the best ways to make money), but can generally be applied to any web site. Here are some great tips to making your site the best it can be:
1.You can add more value by adding more pages to your site
Think about creating a whats new page or a FAQ page to increase your customer service. People will appreciate the new helpful information.
2.Add new products
You need to be adding to your current products to increase your sales. No one can buy from you more than once if you only have one product! This can also attract more customers if you write more material that wasn’t in the first book, or if you write about a different topic in your niche market.
3.Test different versions of your website
The only real way to figure out exactly what website set-up is best is to make different versions, and test them out. Keep the one that makes the most sales!
4.Add audio
This can be a great selling point on your website. Adding audio creates a greater connection between you and your customers. The more they feel safe buying from you, the more often they will buy your product. Audio is also good because your customers are more likely to stop and listen to your audio then they are to read a sales letter. You can also use audio in combination with a sales letter.
5.Add testimonials
Your customers will love the reassurance of previous customer’s great experiences with your product.
6.Improve current content
Add value to your current information to generate more sales. Create more chapters in your e book and maybe even widen your topic range. Widening your topic range creates more of a market and that means more customers. Just be careful to stay in your general market so your customers will still be interested. When you add more content you may want to have an idea in mind for a sequel.
7.Add more paragraphs to your sales letter
Add more text to your sales letter, so your customer gets more bang for their reading time. Don’t forget to mention what your product can do for them and all the great things that are included!
Use these tips to keep your website updated and ready to take on your competition.