Article marketing is a fairly new, very effective internet marketing tool that allows you to promote yourself, your product, website or service. But, this seemingly simply marketing technique can have explosive results!
As a business owner or marketer, you simply write articles about your product, service or website. In other words, you write about what you know. Once you’ve written your article(s), you start to submit those articles to directories and sites that accept them. From that point, your articles will be spreading across the internet like wildfire…wildfire with your name, site’s name and usually a link to your site included! You see, whenever you submit an article, you include an “author resource box” that includes any information about yourself, your experience, your business and your site’s URL. Anytime that article is published, including on the directory sites, your information must appear along with it!
As a webmaster or publisher, you know that one of the keys to keep your site popular with search engines and to keep your visitors coming back is to have fresh, new, relevant content. Article directories can be the answer to your prayers! You simply search the articles or browse the site and you will find as many articles as you could want to add to your site or publication. All articles submitted to these directories are free to re-print as long as they are reprinted exactly as presented and include the author’s information. There can be site-specific conditions on the reprinting (so be sure to check the terms of each site), but for the most part just stick to the article as presented with all author info included and you’ll be safe!
Some people can get put off by the idea of actually writing something for publication. It can send them back into freshman English class-like anxiety attacks. But, don’t worry most people that use article marketing aren’t Pulitzer Prize worthy writers! In my experience, the best articles and the ones that are picked up and spread the most are the ones that are written in a very reader-friendly manner. Yes, grammar and spelling are important, but what’s most important is that your information is easily accessible and helpful or interesting to potential readers.
If you simply don’t have time or really dislike writing, you can always hire a copywriter or ghost writer to do the work for you. Just make sure that the terms are very clear from the beginning as to whose name will appear on the article, the links to be included, the keywords you’d like the articles to focus on, etc.
If you’re looking for a new marketing strategy, and you don’t have a huge budget…write a few articles! Get your name out there and start getting recognized as the expert that you are. And best of all get mass distribution of the all-mighty links to your website.