We at PerfectVisualHost as Nigeria web designers create sharp, tried, and tested international standard Websites and high web development principles, and usability, which enhances and reflects what your company or organization is. And ensure your website is viewed in all browsers and Internet enabled mobile devices. And also, integrate all social media website share functionalities such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
Do you need Customize Website, Authentic web presence, or “One-of-a-Kind” Web Design that Fits your Business? Use this form below to contact us:
Perfect Visual Host integrates any type of website features to suit your company’s online needs, e.g subscription form, News system, website forum, website Advert system, website Contact form, Website Email facilities, etc.
Why choose us as your Nigeria Web design or Web development company?
Unlike what is out side there, we don’t develop a website for you and turn our back (with the notion we have given you what you paid for); No, we give you the following benefits which ensures optimum result of your website in the long run:
1) Technical support any time any day (accept Sunday) will be given for free any time there is the need.
2.)After the website development, we will submit you website to 107 search engines and directories around globe (including Yahoo, msn, and google). This will ensure that a lot web users know that your company website exist on Internet through search engines
3)We will use two HOURS online to introduce your designed website various areas to your company (IT department If you have). This enable you perform common task on the website without us eg creating of emails accounts for members of company staffs from the company website.
Why Put Your Business Online?
· You will gain customers from other Nigeria states and countries outside while you are putting in the same amount of effort and money
· Create an image of well established Nigeria company
· You won’t have to spend any resources on compensating or insuring your staff members and still maintain the level of sales and customer services
· Any time someone wants to know your locations in Nigeria, what you do, direction or any details about your company, they get it through your website without disturbing you.
· Irrespective of where clients live in Nigeria they will still be able to shop in your store (website) after you close. This means you won’t have to stay open on Christmas, wedding or any ceremonial day, because your business will be open 24hours a day
· With just one website, you can have unlimited advertisement, compare that with advertisement in a local Nigeria newspaper where your being charge per line, per inch, and color. With you personalized website, you can add pictures, articles, product images etc
· Communication accessibility, when there is innovation or any changes post them on the website, and every one can see updated information without having to wait for a new database of product, and without contacting you directly.
· Nigerians can buy your product through website and leave you alone, you don’t have to be there explaining to your customers how to install or use the product. Something like: move the tell, the back, the leg, the head; how to troubleshoot it, clean it and whatever explanation needed to purchase the item . All will be clearly stated on your website as a “Frequently Asked Question”
· More and more Nigerians use website to shop for services and products this days. Which means if you are not there, your competitors will take advantage of this. And most interested part is, if people can’t find you company online they assume you might not exist (trend made it so, people want something that will save them time and money; why spend time looking for you when by the click of a mouse your competitors are there?)