What do you do when you have a brand new shiny website, and no way of promoting it? Well for starters you could hold an online press conference. This is actually a very simple process. You will either hire a professional to write out a web press release and have it reviewed by an editor, or you can be bold and take your chances by writing it yourself. When you decide to do it yourself you take a great risk of being either humiliated, or shut down entirely.
There are other ways of promoting your new web site however; you could always go the route of affiliation. This is a good method of not only promoting your new site, but an easy fashion of making some quick money as well. How this works is you sign up for an affiliation to a site, generally you will want to find a site that has some relevance to the site you are trying to promote. When ever someone goes to the site you are affiliated with, and they link on to your site by pay per click method it takes them to your site and right into the thick of your content. This is the unfortunate part, whenever someone clicks onto your site from your affiliate; you end up paying the affiliate for the transfer of sites. Although this could easily be a very small fee to the affiliate, the point to remember is if they come and you pay the affiliate, there is no guarantee that they will buy from you.
This could easily become a very costly endeavor if you are getting many tire kickers, and no buyers. This is where you will be paying for people to view but not pay. As you know this is no way to conduct business. Sometime people go to the extent of hiring a service such as web1000traffic. This service states that they can increase traffic to your site, or generate hits. The problem with this theory however, is that you cannot guarantee anything, you can never be sure that you will ever generate traffic, let alone sales. This is in no way to impede the program that they offer, it is just that absolutely no organization or single person alike can truly guarantee that they can generate traffic for you to the point that you will see successful results on your site.
Which leads back to the first mentioned thought, is it not worth the time, money, and effort, to ensure that you are getting the best exposure for your site? Don’t waste your money, time, and sanity wondering whether or not you will receive this exposure to your site. Go get it yourself.
The first thing is submitting your website to all the major search engines. Search engine traffic is a major draw to websites and most web masters will tell you that the vast majority of their traffic is coming from search engine clicks. Most of the major search engines have a specific page you can use to submit your site. Once it’s submitted, it will usually take a few days to a week before it starts showing up in keyword searches.
Other website promotion ideas include advertising your website on Internet message boards and discussion forums centered on subjects related in some way to your business. For example, if you run a small business selling pet supplies, you could go to message boards and discussion forums frequented by pet lovers.
Other tried and true website promotion ideas include affiliate and banner exchanges. You can contact other websites involved with the same target market and ask to exchange banners on each other’s web sites, or you can sign up at a banner exchange portal that will automatically generate banners for other sites on your site and banners for your site on other participating sites.
For even more website promotion ideas, there are many online resources dedicated solely to teaching people how best to create awareness of their website through the Internet at large and strategies for attracting more visitors to their website. Start with these basic ideas and when you’re ready, explore for more such as writing one’s own articles. This is an effective way in promoting a website, because good content that are appreciated by readers will lead them to visit the writer’s very own website out of sheer interest.